Tag Archives: Cooking the Books

Review: Cooking the Books by Kerry Greenwood (featuring Corinna Chapman, sizable baker of excellence)

I recently joined Goodreads and have begun to add books to my virtual shelves there. Here’s a review I wrote today – Goodreads has a nifty feature which allows one to copy the code for one’s review and drop it into a blog post. How efficient is that, grasshoppers? I’ll add these from time to time as I get the opportunity to actually say something worthwhile about what I’m reading.

Cooking the Books (Corinna Chapman, #6)Cooking the Books by Kerry Greenwood
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Cooking the Books is number 6 in the Corinna Chapman series by Kerry Greenwood (who also writes the Phryne Fisher ‘lady’ detective stories set in 1920s Melbourne). Corinna Chapman is a contemporary baker of ample size who loves her bakery, her partner, her cats, and most of her neighbours. She gets herself involved in various sticky situations by virtue of her own baking and social activities, and those of her partner, Daniel, a private eye who hails from Israel.

This instalment involves Corinna in catering for a reality TV series, where strange things are happening to the leading lady. Meanwhile, Corinna’s partner, Daniel, tries to solve a crime involving a somewhat iffy company, stolen bearer bonds, homeless men, and a plethora of clues in the form of nursery rhymes, quotations and snatches of poetry.

I would describe this novel as an uber-cosy. It takes the reader into the main character’s world in a very full and detailed way. Crime solving almost seems incidental at times as we get a bird’s eye view of Corinna’s wonderful life at work and at home, and with her lovely partner, Daniel. So, if you enjoy ensconcing yourself in a fictional world (full of cats, by the way, which I love) and you aren’t too worried about speedy narrative and resolution, this book may be one you’d enjoy.

Kerry Greenwood is an excellent (and prolific) writer and, having met her, I can also say, a thoroughly lovely and decent person with a great sense of humor and feel for people and their funny little ways. This becomes apparent when you read her works. I’d also recommend readers take a look at the Phryne Fisher series (there are 19 at last count). Meanwhile, check out Corinna Chapman and her delicious, delovely delights.

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